A kitten – well, nearly

Daniel and Maria asked us round today, to collect the kitten they’re giving us, before they go on holiday. We arrived, complete with cardboard box containing an old curtain as bedding, and a roll of parcel tape to prevent escape. Minus, the black and white kitten, was missing, so Maria rattled various tins and jars containing his favourite foodstuffs, but to no avail. After a while, their other two cats appeared; Maria gave them some food and Minus arrived almost immediately. Maria picked him up and put him in the box, which Kieran and Daniel were ready to close behind him, but he was far too quick for them and shot out of it at high speed. He was left alone for a few minutes until he recovered from his fright and started eating again, then Maria put him in the box again. This time, the box was almost entirely taped shut when he managed to squeeze out through a crack and disappeared like a shot, leaving Kieran and Maria with scratches on their hands.

So we’re going round again tomorrow morning, this time with a holdall type bag with a good zip. If we ever get him here, I think he’ll be extremely efficient at reducing our mouse population; he’s a ferocious little beast. But for now, no photos, I’m afraid; I’ll try to get one tomorrow.