The hols are over now – au boulot!

It was back to work today; and for most of France, in fact, as when a bank holiday falls on a Sunday, they don’t get the Monday off!

We had plenty to do; wood to chop as we’d nearly used all the previously cut firewood; the dishwasher to take to pieces to try to make it work without having to tip it up 2 or 3 times at the beginning of every cycle; and the bedroom to finish. The last was mostly my responsibility; it’s only a tart-up and I still need to paint the fireplace, mosaic the inside of it and wax polish the floor, but those tasks can be done at a later date. For now, Kieran’s itching to get started on the next room, so we’ve moved around; after all, who are we to stop him working!?

Kieran spent the evening modifying an X-box, using the tiniest soldering iron I’ve ever seen; so far, it’s not doing what it’s meant to, but I’m certain it won’t defeat him for long.